26 definitions by Rimy Jobbs

When your really angry over text and you wright some organized keyboard scribble.
Friend: what?
by Rimy Jobbs April 29, 2023
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the crap that comes out of a females pussy when she gets horny.
cervical fluid is the female equivalent to cum.
by Rimy Jobbs December 4, 2022
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A verry loud and crakly fart.
Steve: Aww, lord all mightily did you do a Foo josh!
Josh: Uhh no? that was Your Mom
by Rimy Jobbs April 29, 2023
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I'm only one with it, not an expert dumbass. if your looking to be diagnosed go to the GP!
ADHD (or DAVE) is either attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or... ATENTION DEFICIT HEY DOUGHNUTS!
I am commonly told to listen better, it's annoying as fuck. I have interests in tanks and elves and art and find it easier to accomplish stuff if its actually interesting. so to all you educators out there find the interest of the alien so they will work.
I have ADHD, HUH? can you repeat that?
by Rimy Jobbs November 16, 2022
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by Rimy Jobbs November 16, 2022
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