4 definitions by Reflex

A really amazing guy who is smart and determined.He loves to play games and have fun.He is the best friend u can get.He is ambitious.He a well rounded person.Mr Steal Yo Girl.He is amazing.
Ihtisamul decided to go to play with his friend
by Reflex January 12, 2020
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A general name given to anyone not yet unplugged from the matrix.
"Nothing but blue pills" - When looking for Neo all he finds are people plugged in, not Neo who has been unplugged.
by Reflex July 4, 2006
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Used in "Goodness Gracious Me" by the two indian youths as a word for porn.
"Yeah man we'll log onto da internet init, den we'll get some Ras Maali!"
by Reflex July 4, 2006
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Taller than you
'I thought I was tall until I saw Wakkie'
by Reflex August 22, 2014
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