5 definitions by RealMemeulous, definetely (sh)

The currency used in Black Mesa which can be used to travel through space and time and can also be used to activate the hidden science, the SuperPlayer feature.
Dr. Coomer: If you authorize a payment of one playcoin, I can activate the SuperPlayer feature
Gordon: Yes, authorize it
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That one kid: Yo, I just fought Elh in Luigi's Mansion, he was so easy.
Someone who's not stupid: Tf do you mean? You can't fight him, he was cut from the game.
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The most popular person in the world, he is also the richest guy and the hottest guy, I want to have his babies.
Man 1: Hey, have you heard of the greatest person in the world?
Man 2: Yes, it was TheWorstThing
by RealMemeulous, definetely (sh) December 18, 2019
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Sprite (Sp) mixed with Coca-Cola (oke). It is Luigi from Super Mario Bros’ favorite drink.
Man 1: eyyo wass poppin foodie fam, imma drink some Spoke
Man 2: oh, you mean Luigi from Super Mario Bros’ favorite drink? Oh, I love that.
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