60 definitions by Rbomb04

printing starfishes

when someone sits their asshole onto a printer and makes copies.
Today at work I was printing starfishes would you like a copy.
by Rbomb04 November 14, 2014
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pizza nips

Pizza nips are very scary things to see in the dark but when in light they are unbearable.
When she busted out the big old pizza nips i almost fainted.
by Rbomb04 June 17, 2014
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Taco hot dog

When a guy puts his hot dog onto a chicks taco.
by Rbomb04 July 25, 2014
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Head bopper

Whoa look out their in the water there is a Head bopper
by Rbomb04 July 25, 2014
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anal spitter

This is when someone cums in another persons ass and then they fart the cum out.
anal spitter- oops I farted
by Rbomb04 September 2, 2014
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remote hog

remote hog- Give me the remote you going to fast.
by Rbomb04 July 25, 2014
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armpit stroker

An armpit stroker is used to define someone who uses there armpit as a vagina.
Hey bro could I borrow your armpit for a second. No way man you're such an armpit stroker.
by Rbomb04 June 17, 2014
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