4 definitions by Ratmaster Bob

When the camgirl you've been tipping and chatting with charges you a high price for a private show, only to shut down due to "a friend stopped by", technical difficulties or any other bullshit excuse to rip you off.
So how'd it go when that slutty camgal you've been sexting with?
Shit, I should have known I was gettin' camjammed when suddenly she had to reboot and never came back on
by Ratmaster Bob September 5, 2017
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A Master of all things film and video related, Including, who starred in, wrote and directed every film ever made, why it isn't playing on your cheap-ass system and how to make it work for you. All while remaining a chill dude and not douching out about his vast superiority.
The Party was looking to be bust when the entertainment center blew, but Mikey Videodaved it and saved the night
by Ratmaster Bob May 4, 2017
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Someone so uptight about sex (usually female) that they freeze upand don't move a muscle while screwing
Jimmy: "You get something off Lisa last night"
Dick: "Yeah, but she was such a puckerfuck I just jizzed and left"
by Ratmaster Bob April 7, 2017
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Publically immobilizing a punk-ass bitch who should have never dared to cross your path in the first place.
After Tom shot his fool mouth off, I totally packardized his ass in front of his crew
by Ratmaster Bob February 26, 2017
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