5 definitions by QwertyBored

(verb) The orgasmic feeling when you first discover the Minecraft plugin WorldEdit after using /fill and manual block placing for your life.
Person 1: *installs WorldEdit into build server*
Person 2: Hey, what's this plugin? *tests it*
Person 2: *has a worldeditgasm* ohh yes this is amazing
by QwertyBored May 1, 2021
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The term for baby fallen from the popular video game Destiny 2 by Bungie.
Person 1: Did you see the season 14 trailer?
Person 2: Yeah the Smallen are super adorable!
by QwertyBored May 5, 2021
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Peak boredom. You will ascend to a godly status 48 hours after typing this in Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge in the timeframe of 20 seconds. If you fail, you will feel empty forever without any way to make up for your wrongs.
Person 1: Let's have a bored typing contest.
Person 2: qwertyuiopoiuytrewq
Person 1: `1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./
Person 2: ~`!1@2#3$4%5^6&7*8(9)0_-+=QqWwEeRrTtYyUuIiOoPp{}|\AaSsDdFfGgHhJjKkLl:;"'ZzXxCcVvBbNnMm<,>.?/
Person 1: `~1qaz!QAZ2wsx@WSX3edc#EDC4rfv$RFV5tgb%TGB6yhn^YHN7ujm&UJM8ik,*IK<9ol.(OL>0p;/)P:?-'_{"=+}\|
Person 2: `24680=wryipadgjl'xvn,/.mbcz;khfs\outeq-97531!#%&(_QETUO{|SFHK:ZCBM>?<NVX"LJGDA}PIYRW+)*^$@~
Person 1: Don't you know what you have done?

Person 2: *ascends*
by QwertyBored December 20, 2019
Get the `24680=wryip]adgjl'xvn,/.mbcz;khfs\[outeq-97531!#%&(_QETUO{|SFHK:ZCBM>?<NVX"LJGDA}PIYRW+)*^$@~ mug.
/ ˌäbˈsküfïāSH(ə)n/
The action of writing terrible code in order to protect your program from piracy.
"My auth is great, I spent a while on the obscufiation."
by QwertyBored December 11, 2022
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