12 definitions by Q-Tip McVicker

When someone else wants what's in your pocket..'nuff said.
"He wants what's in your pants. He's a pocket fisherman."
by Q-Tip McVicker April 2, 2004
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The best kind of belt you can have, awarded at Harvest Time if you can make the machine somehow spit out enough tickets for one. You possess all powers of 70's supergroup, Foreigner.
"Fryman, fill your eyes with, Double Vision! You've got stars in your eyes!"
"And touch the skies!"
"Those aren't the words Err."
by Q-Tip McVicker July 23, 2004
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A more intense version of drat, used in only the most intense situations.
Aww, double-drat! Somebody got on my AIM screen name. Tear.
by Q-Tip McVicker July 6, 2004
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Every Passing Hour. A Grand Rapids, Michigan, metal band. They're extremely talented.
Dude, did you see EPH's set last night? It was sick.
by Q-Tip McVicker April 4, 2005
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Basically, just someone who isn't familiar with the scene. Someone who has a lot to learn in a particular area.
Dude, that kid isn't even fashioncore, he's wearing parachute pants! He's so not HxC.
by Q-Tip McVicker July 7, 2004
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