4 definitions by PvtGomerPyleUSMC

A slang term for an opioid drug that can refer to #4 heroin, which is a white powder and the most refined form of heroin, fentanyl or any of its derivatives, or any combination thereof.

Also the actual meaning of David Bowie's "China Girl," not any Asian girlfriend he may or may not have had.
That China white with the 666 stamp be so bangin', my cousin ODed and it took three doses of naloxone to revive him. I gotta get me some of that shit!!

David Bowie did so much China white with Iggy Pop while living in Berlin he dressed up like a Nazi and had a photograph of it published on the cover of a magazine.
by PvtGomerPyleUSMC December 9, 2018
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n. v. pron. (adj. jawned) (inf.) Philly slang that stands in for pretty much any other noun, verb, or adjective, and may be also be used as a third-person pronoun
Those jawns are jawning it all up in that jawn, it's so jawned up
by PvtGomerPyleUSMC October 17, 2019
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Drug slang for a unit of measurement equal to 1 kilogram
Urban Dictionary "editors" haven't got the slightest fucking clue about drug dealer slang. They rejected my first submission, but a birdie is in fact drug slang for 1 kilogram, and as everyone knows, one kilo, or birdie, can be subdivided into 36 ounces, or zippers, which is equal to 2.2 pounds in the imperial measurement system.
by PvtGomerPyleUSMC December 4, 2018
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Acronym for Jewish American Mother.
A JAM discovers a magic lamp. She rubs it, and a genie appears and says she can have a wish, anything she wants. What does she ask for? Nothing. She didn't want to wish. She had everything she wanted: a daughter who married a doctor and a son who called her once a week.
by PvtGomerPyleUSMC December 9, 2018
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