35 definitions by Purpstar615

Oh my God bro I have to go to school today it’s hell
by Purpstar615 December 13, 2022
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A high score who is obsessed with theater, may or may not have interpersonal relationships with choir kids. give up all of their free time to rehearse, and are very dramatic.
Theatre kid
by Purpstar615 February 1, 2023
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Oh hell where there’s bullies, popular kids, and nerds. Also your favorite class is half your identity and all of the classes are their own cult
by Purpstar615 January 16, 2023
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Beating an alto in choir, they’re often close like a family and stay together in their tightknit group.
Linda: my friend is an alto who practices altoisum
by Purpstar615 November 22, 2022
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The hierarchy of choir/choir class in peoples eyes this can vary greatly but here are some levels.
Kid in choir:someone who doesn’t really like it/thinks it’s just an easy elective.
Choir kid:someone who likes it, they tend to like singing.
Choir nerd: someone who likes it more intensely, they do the vocal warm-ups when they’re bored or in the shower.
Choir dork: like a choir nerd but more obsessed, they add their Director on social media and do things the choir nerds do, they are also more annoying.
Choir freak: someone who is absolutely OBSESSED With choir, These people either direct or on social media with about 20 other spam accounts, and work there but off every day practicing, these people can often be found in their bedrooms looking over sheet music.
Choir nazi: someone whose obsession with choir has actually become a problem, they spend all of their home life in their bedroom either doing warm-ups at full volume or looking over sheet music, but these people also tend to have no lives.
by Purpstar615 November 25, 2022
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When a choir kid has an allegiance to their section and will literally cry for hours if they are moved.
Director: Hey Charlotte
Charlotte: wat
Director: i’m gonna need to move you to alto 1
Charlotte: no I’m a soprano 1
Director: I know but I need you to sing alto 1
Charlotte: *cries*
Director: choir sectionalism, no one ever wants to move
by Purpstar615 December 5, 2022
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