19 definitions by PotatoChip

knocked the fuck out

When a person is so annoying that they get you really mad and the only way to stop them doing what they are doing is to give them a single powerful punch to the face which knocks them unconscious, they are now said to be "knocked the fuck out". This is only achieved if it is a single punch which knocks them unconscious.
"Brad was talking so I knocked him the fuck out!"
by PotatoChip May 23, 2003
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beaker baby

A person, similar to a testtube baby, who was a fatass baby and therefore too large to fit in the testtube so they were placed in a beaker.
alex glumac
by PotatoChip May 4, 2003
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A person who has certain characteristics of an animal such as hairyness, particular body parts, behaviour etc.
"That guys got more hair then a bear what a animal."
"You're hairy like animal."
"He'll fuck any object that moves what a animal."
"He ate that hamburger in one bite what a animal."
by PotatoChip May 17, 2003
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1. Someone who has the mental capacity or IQ of their shoe size.
2. An abnormally large, dopey bastard with the brain of a fly.
3.Also see Alex Glumac
"That guy's a stooge!"
"What a stooge!"
by PotatoChip March 24, 2003
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When a guy is watching a porno or sees a super fine chick, their mouth drops to the floor, they start drooling and then something in their pants goes "buddabing".
"That chick makes me go buddabing".

"Now again, it's buddabing time".
by PotatoChip May 24, 2003
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