14 definitions by Pioneer 1

A person who participates in ganging up on someone by outnumbering them by overwhelming numbers. They choose to do this, because they are afraid to fight one-on-one, for fear the outcome is not guaranteed to be in their favor.
Trevor: "Yo, did you hear Johnny got jumped last night"?

Freddy: " No, who got em"?

Trevor: "judging by the spankin he got, it had to be a dirty duskian"!

Freddy: "That wasn't kosher, at all"!
by Pioneer 1 April 27, 2016
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Multi-generatonal, long-term user of everything the system has to offer. Takes Full advantage of & expects all the freebies the government has to offer. Has never worked, with no plans to ever. Probably lived in Erie County, Ohio at one time or another, due to its easy access to public assistance programs.
Mike: Fred never goes to work, but still manages to have nice things. I don't think his dad ever worked either. How do they do it?
Monte: Simple, he's a career welfarerite. Learned it from his daddy!
by Pioneer 1 June 1, 2016
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When you're going somewhere & you get that warm, fuzzy, SHIT COMING ON feeling. You start to PANIC, you speed up, try to hurry home & then you come across the Panic Potty Parade. Old people, dump trucks, semis driving SLOW AS FUCK! This, the one thing, standing in your way of total relief . This could get SHITTY!
Tim: Why are you so late?
Taylor: Dude, I totally almost SHIT MYSELF!!
Tim: What happened?
Taylor: I pigged the fuck out at Taco Bell, stopped to pick up beer and then, it hit me. So I punched it towards home, made it to the home stretch & bam, there it is, the fuckin Panic Potty Parade!
by Pioneer 1 June 17, 2017
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The act of using overwhelming numbers of people to "jump", intimidate or threaten someone to get your way, defeat someone or influence the outcome of something that you aren't guaranteed to go your way, by othewise natural means. Often used by cowards, bullys, wannabe thugs & wannabe gangs. See Dirty Duskian.
Mark: Did you hear about that fight last night in Central Park?

Adrian: 15 on 1, isn't a fair fight, that was a Dirty Dusky!
by Pioneer 1 May 30, 2016
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Anyone from Sandusky, Ohio, who can instantly piss everyone off, because they are rude, annoying, arrogant or selfish. Simply mentioning their name, causes your day, to go to shit, from there out.
"Tom is the biggest sandoucheski out there, how do you NOT know that"?
by Pioneer 1 April 27, 2016
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This is usually a group of bored teens, who live in a small town, city or village, that idolize bigger city gangs, as seen on TV or movies. They crave acceptance, attention & usually don't have any positive role-models in their lives. Originated in Sandusky, Ohio, due to the local teens' obsession with big city gangs.
"Once, we had a quiet, little town, but now, the wannabe gangs, are causing a lot of problems ".
by Pioneer 1 June 1, 2016
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This is usually a group of bored teens, who live in a small town, city or village, that idolize bigger city gangs, as seen on TV or movies. They crave acceptance, attention & usually don't have any positive role-models in their lives. Originated in Sandusky, Ohio, due to the local teens' obsession with big city gangs.
"Once, we had a quiet, little town, but now, the wannabe gangs, are causing a lot of problems ".
by Pioneer 1 June 1, 2016
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