14 definitions by Phrenesicko Decapitate

Similar to Badunka Dunk but deragatory. A woman who is circumfa dunk is round all over.

A cross between circumference and badunka dunk.
She's so circumfa dunk she rolled down the hill like that boulder in the firstIndiana Jones movie.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 26, 2005
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A person who smokes alot of pot or smokes a joint really fast. Similar to bogart.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 23, 2005
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A word to describe locals who do not attend the school but hang out on campus to appear as if they do.
There was a bumrush of townies at the kegger last night.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 25, 2005
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A safety device that inflates when your car has an impact.
I ran into a fire hydrant and the airbag inflated and broke my nose.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 23, 2005
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A phrase used the SNL Coneheads to describe the consumption of food and beverages by enhaling whole bags of potato chips and six-packs at a time.
Please join us in the consumption of "mass quantities".
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 23, 2005
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To spend the evening masturbating or simply eating a full tray of Big 60 cookies.
My girlfriend left me looks like it's a big sixty for me tonight.
by Phrenesicko Decapitate May 23, 2005
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