4 definitions by Petros Insanity

The years (1990-1998) in which famous rapper, producer and entrepreneur Dr Dre was most active.
The Chronic is one of the best albums that came out of the Dre Era.
by Petros Insanity August 23, 2014
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The involuntary tearing and/or streaming of an eye that affects some drug users after insuffulating their drug of choice.
Mary: *snnnniiiiiif* I said goddamn!

John: What's wrong?

Mary: That was a big line!

John: Yeah, you've got petch eye.
by Petros Insanity July 20, 2014
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The horn that is often used in the background of old school rap songs of the era commonly known as the "Dre Era".
Monica: Have you heard Deeez Nutz by Dre?

Sean: Yeah, and how about Real Mutafuckin G's by Eazy E?

Monica: Nice beat. I'm really feeling the west coast horns.
by Petros Insanity August 23, 2014
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When you fit an idea or action perfectly into another one.
Last night I had a dream while sleeping on a dreams mattress. Inception style!
by Petros Insanity August 27, 2014
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