66 definitions by Pete Dick

The dried flowers and leaves from the Cannabis plant. The active chemical in marijuana is THC, which can unfortunately be detected in the urine up to several weeks after use.
Dude, David was just out on the back porch smokin' dubbage, now he is eating all of our pizza.
by Pete Dick November 25, 2007
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a workout technique where one is alternating their feet as fast as they can, like football players do; especially used by sadistic coaches.
Coach: "The team looks like a bunch of faggots."
Assistant Coach: "Yeah, Pete Dick has been taking them out jacking for beats too much lately."
Coach: "Lets make these hungover fuckers pay."
Assistant Coach (as team enters gym): "Hey faggots, foot fire, FOOT FIRE!!!"
by Pete Dick March 21, 2008
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the homage to aggression and male bloodlust that a championship ultimate fighting event is.
Pete Dick: "Did you see the Ultimate Fighting last night?"
The Cooker: "Hell yeah, I would not miss that ballet of violence for the world."
Pete Dick: "Me neither..."
by Pete Dick March 1, 2008
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to conduct a sensitive discussion while striding up and down the block to avoid being overheard on those pesky eavesdropping devices.
Ever since the cops came and shook down Sammy Blue Eyes, I take a walk to discuss important business.
by Pete Dick February 17, 2008
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The moniker given to New York Governor Elliot Spitzer by the Emperor's Club VIP. Now used to talk about anyone of high social standing when situtations dictate discretion.
The Cooker: "You here about this situation with Gov. Spitzer?"
Pete Dick: "You mean client number nine?"
The Cooker: "Oh yeah, my bad."
by Pete Dick March 10, 2008
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a fart, or series of farts prior to dropping a Griffey.
Pete Dick: "I love my Griffey Junior!"
Jen: "What are you rambling about now?"
Pete Dick: "You can't smell that?"
Jen, rolling window down in zero degree weather: "I can now ass hole!"
by Pete Dick February 28, 2008
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used to describe your favorite watering hole when an unwanted friend overhears your description of the previous nights exploits. The misdirection is used so that said unwanted friend will not show up to your favorite establishment in the future.
Pete Dick: "Me and T. Gay really got fuck up last night."
The Cooker: "damn, when I left you were still jacking for beats and seemed fairly socially lubricated."
Pete Dick: "Well we Irished Ourselves pretty good."
Uncle Freddie: "Where was this?"
Pete Dick and the Cooker: "the Beats Street Tavern."
Uncle Freddie: "Where is that."
Pete Dick: "Jones Road"
by Pete Dick March 19, 2008
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