4 definitions by Pastcha

Proofie (noun) /ˈˈprü-fē/ : an photo of oneself taken by oneself to verify a claim by that individual that they did something or were at a specific place.
The guy who appraised my house took a Proofie to show the bank he was actually there.
by Pastcha October 13, 2014
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Allowing someone who is shining his/her high beams in your rear window to pass so that you may in turn shine your high beams in his rear window.
I was on the highway and some jerk was blinding me with his high beams. So, I let him pass and I light fucked him.
by Pastcha December 11, 2013
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Two men riding together on the same motorcycle or scooter.
Fred: Hey man, can I get a ride on your new Harley?

Tim: No way!

Fred: Why not?

Tim: Dude, that's four-balling - and not cool, especially on a Harley!
by Pastcha July 28, 2014
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the act of two people (usually a couple) sitting on the same side in a restaurant booth while the other side remains unoccupied.

See - same side of the boother
(pronounced fa-new-fing)
Bob and Mary are faneufing at that table.
by Pastcha August 21, 2012
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