95 definitions by POOP

being k. borstelman
ugh k. borstelman is a biscutface
by POOP November 17, 2003
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A big LiveJournal homosexual. Likes his cats a little TOO much and is often seen pooping in parks
Jameth?! More like LAMETH am i right??
by POOP August 31, 2004
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1. to poop on, shit on, or fart on
2. to smell absolutely rancid
1. I'm going to crete on the mass-deck.

2. That smells like absolute crete.
by POOP December 14, 2003
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nagger batch coming from the words nigger and bitch, basically is how a hick would say "nigger bitch."
that nagger batch just took some grain from my crops!
by POOP July 12, 2004
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said when one wants their friend to look at someone of the opposite sex who is extremely attractive
-thinking: omg hes/shes so hot look!!!-
by POOP May 27, 2004
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n.total dickheads
adj. to have the qualities of a dickhead
1. Al Qaeda is a group of dickheads.
2. George was being totally Al qaeda today.
by POOP April 9, 2005
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also, that person that refuses to reply, or does so so long after the intial msg that the original sender is totally clueless of what is going on.
AIM007(5:19:11 PM): sup
Aolahole is away at 7:59:46 PM.

AIM007(5:19:11 PM): hey did you see "Anchorman"?
Aolahole (7:59:46 PM): LOl yeah! "I love... lamp."
by POOP January 6, 2005
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