4 definitions by P-Me$$

V. The process of deleting statuses, comments, or wall posts on Facebook to hide anything that may make you look bad
You better Coni that shit before you get P-Messed.
by P-Me$$ July 13, 2009
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When you find a creative way to walk out on a restaurant check

*based on the future TV series "Skipped"
Owner- Hey, that guy never payed his bill!

random customer- I think you just been skipped.
by P-Me$$ May 29, 2009
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When you get so pissed at someone that you defriend him or her on facebook and then create a group asking others to defriend that person as well
you must have really pissed him off because you just got P-Messed.
by P-Me$$ May 24, 2009
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Person 1: God loves me.

Person 2: Oh yeah, well JSMD...Bitch!!
by P-Me$$ July 7, 2009
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