4 definitions by P, B, B, D & J

sta.tri.ot (STAY-tree-ut)

A person particularly loyal or devoted to a state.
Bob loves everything about North Carolina. He is a true statriot.
by P, B, B, D & J April 26, 2007
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sta.tri.ot.ic (STAY-tree-o-tic)

The quality of being loyal or devoted to a state; having the characteristics of a statriot.
I am proud to be a Cornhusker. I am a statriotic Nebraskan.
by P, B, B, D & J April 26, 2007
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sta.tri.o.ti.sm (STAY-tree-ah-ti-sm)

Loyalty or devotion to a state; as expressed by a statriot.
Smoking Winstons fills the North Carolina native with an overwhelming sense of statriotism.
by P, B, B, D & J April 26, 2007
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sta.tri.o.ti.cal.ly (STAY-tree-ah-ti-ka-lee)

In a statriotic manner.
Peggy does everything statriotically, with the best interest of North Dakota in mind.
by P, B, B, D & J April 26, 2007
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