6 definitions by One True Fertile Fart

Philisophicalitis - (Fill-ih-sof-uh-cuh-lie-tis)

A mental condition in which one tends to overly use philosophy on an everyday basis, such as eating a bowl of coffee, walking the rug, or flying a tree in the ocean.
Person 1: I like how the iOS design looked like before iOS 7, but the iOS 7 design is also nice. Both are good.
Person 2 (affected by philisophicalitis): This opens a new chapter in the human race. For one individual to be able to perceive a neutral, yet not biased opinion on a quite controversial opinion among some in the Apple community, even though it may be considered a niche topic. You have opened your third eye, young one. Your gift will bless the many upon the generations.
Person 1: You look like you need to eat some water.
by One True Fertile Fart March 21, 2022
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"Back-tish-us" A tissue for the back.
Person 1: I need to wipe my back!
Person 2: Use a backtishus.
by One True Fertile Fart March 25, 2022
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(Sig-uh-boo) The reaction of someone frightened by sigiduh SALALA
Person 1: Sigiduh SALALA!
Person 2 (sigaboo'd): Aaaaahhhh!!
by One True Fertile Fart April 14, 2022
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Legacited (leg-a-cited) is a term used to describe situations in where a certain legacy, typically, fart or smart are used in most legacited situations. However, typically the term is used to describe the opposite force, such as if a smart legacy member were to legacite a situation, it would typically be a fart legacitation, since the fart legacy members would be their opposing force.
Person 1: I will fart on you I am the smart legacy!
Person 2: I will inhale your farts I am the fart legacy!
Person 3 (smart legacy member): This is a smart legacited situation.
Person 4 (fart legacy member): This is a fart legacited situation.
by One True Fertile Fart March 27, 2022
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Sigiduh SALALA (Sih-gih-duh sa-la-la) is a chant used to scare off scary fart legacited situations.
Person 1: Smart legacy is easily better than fart one.
Person 2: Sigiduh SALALA, sigiduh SALALA, sigiduh SALALA!
by One True Fertile Fart March 27, 2022
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A middle finger on a hand that looks like a penis.
Person 1: You sure it wasn't a middle finger?
Person 2: Nah, I swear, it was a penularlalor!
by One True Fertile Fart April 3, 2022
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