Philisophicalitis - (Fill-ih-sof-uh-cuh-lie-tis)

A mental condition in which one tends to overly use philosophy on an everyday basis, such as eating a bowl of coffee, walking the rug, or flying a tree in the ocean.
Person 1: I like how the iOS design looked like before iOS 7, but the iOS 7 design is also nice. Both are good.
Person 2 (affected by philisophicalitis): This opens a new chapter in the human race. For one individual to be able to perceive a neutral, yet not biased opinion on a quite controversial opinion among some in the Apple community, even though it may be considered a niche topic. You have opened your third eye, young one. Your gift will bless the many upon the generations.
Person 1: You look like you need to eat some water.
by One True Fertile Fart March 21, 2022
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A person giving "philisophical lip service" is someone who elaborates about specific ways, principles and ideals that one should live by, but they themselves do not implement these beliefs in their own lives.
One person in a crowd that will use "philisophical lip service" to control the conversation by insisting that their beliefs are the ways to live by. They do not take others' opinions and ideas into consideration, shutting down any input by others, however they themselves do not practice in their own lives what they preach. In essence, a hypocrite who is a self centered egotistical, self rightous asshole
by philisophyinpractise May 5, 2011
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