3 definitions by Omg-a-two-legged-dog

1: An undesirable plant in a garden, that can suffocate the plants you are trying to grow.

2: A desirable plant that can suffocate your dog if you make it smoke.
Weed... Lol
by Omg-a-two-legged-dog August 8, 2009
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Blew his brains out. Oh yes, he blew his fucking brains out. You know why he blew his brains out? Because he sold out, and lost his popularity. Now go play your Guitar Hero 3 and pretend to know about rock. I will provide my email address, I look forward to flaming, and well reasoned letters.
Kurt Cobain was a coward, who killed himself.
My email is joehalbohn@gmail.com.

Flame away, fanboys.
by Omg-a-two-legged-dog August 7, 2009
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A dog that can walk around on two legs. No shit. Look on Opera's website.
*Faith runs past two people*
Person 1:Damn, was that a kangaroo.
Person 2:Nope. That was a dog.
Person 1:I need to stop drinking...
by Omg-a-two-legged-dog July 28, 2009
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