43 definitions by Obv troll is obvious

A phrase that is duly said right after somebody writes or says something incredibly foolish or ridiculous (i.e. full of bullshit).

See also: Bullshit detected
Twitter troll 1: Trump did a great job at handling the coronavirus


Twitter troll 2: The government is closing bars, restaurant, hockey tournaments, all for a miniscule virus? Wake up sheeple!

by Obv troll is obvious November 27, 2020
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A response used towards someone who undervalues a thing bestowed upon them. They obviously do not realize the value nor the perks of the thing.
Platonic boy friend: Merry Christmas!!! What did you get?
Platonic girl friend: I got a gift from my uncle, he got me these Sennheiser headphones, HD 660 S I believe
Platonic boy friend: WTF??? Wow I am jealous lol, that's a very luxurious headset. So do you like them??
Platonic girl friend: Eh it's okay
Platonic boy friend: ..... what you do mean it's okay?!? Do you not realize how blessed you are????
by Obv troll is obvious January 4, 2021
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Those people who dedicate their spare time to make (upload) music, video games, how-to tutorials, educational resources, animations, memes, podcasts, copyright-free images, product reviews, graphic designs, porn, fanfiction, ASMR, food recipes, and other digital content. Without content creators, the world would be a dull place.
Sal: Hi I'm a content creator!
John: What's that?
Sal: It means I produce digital content! Content refers to any digital medium, whether that be audio, video, image, text, or a combination of them.
John: Oh cool!
by Obv troll is obvious December 5, 2021
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Definition: someone who plows through their social media feed like some crazed madman.

This "species" can often be seen scrolling endlessly in their Instagram feed, spending no more than one second per post or story. For social speedsters, the act of sending a snap is no more than a 5 second ritualized process. Upon impulse, they whip their phone out of their pockets, instantly jump into snapchat, and without preparation, posts a selfie. And remember this is all within 5 seconds.

But the most characterizing feature that distinguishes social speedsters from regular folks is their expressionless faces when browsing emotion-inducing posts. You'd expect laughter from funny memes or a "wtffff" from controversial/disgusting posts, but nope. Just a deadpan reaction.

Some scholars suggest that social speedsters are more often than not desensitized by all the content (noise) they consume, hence leading them to form an indifferent attitude. Ultimately, the dopamine-rewarding nature of social media is what drives the insanely rapid browsing.

The current largest demographic of social speedsters are: Gen Z, Millennials.
To see an example, attend any college (post-COVID obv). You will be able to witness social speedsters and their smartphone-wielding dexterity in the flesh. Heck, you may even be one!
by Obv troll is obvious December 27, 2021
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The wrong way to do it, if you pour milk first you're wrong because scientologists brainwashed you to think that.
babysitter: are you going to make your breakfast?
child: yeah, and i'm gonna pour the milk first -
babysitter: *dialing 911 and the FBI* HELP ME!!! SOME DEMON CHILD IS POURING THE MILK FIRST!!!

Feds: FBI open up!
by Obv troll is obvious January 18, 2021
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The best kinds of people in this world. If you're a birthing person, know that you're awesome!
Bertha is a birthing person who gave birth to another birthing person who in return gave birth to another birthing person who in return gave birth to another birthing person who in return gave birth to a non-birthing person who fucked yo mom!
by Obv troll is obvious December 18, 2022
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Making a current undesirable situation much more worse, especially if the situation could have been easily avoidable.
Tim's doctor said that he had already developed lung cancer, but Tim still decided to smoke, therefore further exacerbating his condition.

Sam knew he was struggling with porn addiction, but he was also very lonely. His loneliness further exacerbated his addiction.
by Obv troll is obvious January 22, 2021
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