10 definitions by NoxMelo

A powerful detachment from reality caused by obsessively reading politically charged conspiracy theories, and generally believing anything said by certain pundits who often pass off obvious falsehoods as truth. The primary characteristic is being susceptible to fervently believing extremely outlandish claims which are easily disproven by a simple Google search.
"Did you hear? They actually believe schools are installing litter boxes for students who identify as furries!"
"I know. It's Politically Induced Psychosis."
by NoxMelo March 25, 2022
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A sex move where you use that silver spray paint from Mad Max on your dick then run and jump at the pussy/ass hole so precisely that it slides right in as you scream "To Valhalla!!!"

If your dick misses its target, you are honor-bound to bottom.
I tried giving her the Valkyrie Chrome Cock last night, but I missed so she had to get the strap-on.
by NoxMelo April 11, 2020
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Like a pupper, but you say it instead when you're overwhelmed by how cute the pupper is; typically exclaimed.
by NoxMelo October 28, 2023
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