11 definitions by Not Proud to be an American

The system that governs the world. A system of cheating, lying, and scandal. Coming from the phrase poly, meaning many, and ticks, meaning bloodsucking parasites.
by Not Proud to be an American April 24, 2003
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A term that applies to any actions designed to create fear among civilians. Terrorists are known to practice terrorism, which takes many forms, such as suicide bombing, hijacking of aircraft, shock & awe, the Patriot Act, and "orange alert".
Anybody can be a TERRORIST. Those who beat up, threaten, and vandalize the houses of Arab-Americans and French-Americans, for instance, are TERRORISTS.
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The most facist moron ever to hold an American public office since ... well ... ever. Creator of many acts that curtail the civil rights of American citizens, and one who endorses the imprisonment and brutal treatment of people without charges.
If ASHCROFT walked into a room containing Hitler, Stalin, Hussein, bin Laden, and Nero, he would be right at home.
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1. A country in western Europe, leading the political opposition to psycho-Bush and his coalition of supporters who are hated by their people.
2. Subject of a mathematical equation that measures intelligence:
France > America.
3. See smart.
by Not Proud to be an American March 22, 2003
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