10 definitions by Nooch

A person being black as night or a dark effect on some one.
Dude that guy is klee!
Thoes are some klee cloths
by Nooch September 5, 2003
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Off the hook!like its predisessor, shizzle my nizzle, it is a friendly saying about somthing admired
Yo dat bitch is off da hissle for shizzle!

That girl is mighty fine looking, for sure!
by Nooch September 5, 2003
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do take a fairly large shit, or to lat an impressive bowel movement.
dude i just shit, and i think i ripped.

Oh man I ripped one and i dont think anyone will live to tell about it.
by Nooch September 5, 2003
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exquisite looking females, also, dont see martha stewart
i say charles, that cafe was full of damn fine broads.
by Nooch December 31, 2004
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One horny slut, after the football game we (everyone in attendance) all got some of that ass! It was like throwing a toothpick down a hallway. See also Grand Canyon.
by Nooch December 22, 2003
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One Hugh shit, like having a kid!
Dude i just laid an asteriod!
dude yo face looks like an astroid.
by Nooch September 5, 2003
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a slap-in-the-face term used by Terry of the Mighty Ducks, he reffers to his teammate as a "cake eater" that means that his teammate eats more cake than anyone on his team combined...
"cake eater"
"betta recognize bitch"
by Nooch December 31, 2004
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