2 definitions by NomenclatureOfOurTime

A person, usually male, who defines himself by the size of his biceps. Biceptuals, often found on Long Island, are frequently seen out and about in the summer months, and they are known to wear extra small t-shirts. They compensate for a lack of intelligence with the size of their biceps.
Nah, let's go to a different bar. That one is packed with biceptuals.
by NomenclatureOfOurTime April 6, 2015
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An acronym for "Nose Laugh", the short involuntary blast of air from the nose when you read something funny. Used when something is mildly amusing and air expels from your nose, but isn't funny enough to make you actually LOL, or "laugh out loud".
Jim: Yeah, I'm stickin' to my diet. I'm stickin' this here Big Mac right into my mouth!
Ty: NL
by NomenclatureOfOurTime June 1, 2015
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