65 definitions by Noixz

integrate/interrogate Introduce to new by teaching, asking question and possibly relocating appropriate.

intragate in'd in the dictionary.
Intragated a new way to acknowledge and communicate
by Noixz January 15, 2009
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it, feces, crap, thing, a realization of nothing.
by Noixz January 14, 2009
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a sound on might make when one sneezes burbs, (burps) and hiccups in the process, not a dirty slang word, or a said word generally.
"awww fuck"
by Noixz January 15, 2009
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"The iron was slack."
by Noixz January 15, 2009
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"Don't want to sack you with this project, but try not to slack."
by Noixz January 14, 2009
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