3 definitions by Nimbus_2021

A gorilla that holds a stock through its ups and downs all the way to its peak Ie: $1 million then sells on the way down.
I have diamond hands, been holding for two months! Bitch you still paper, ride to AMC & GME to the peak, then hold and sell on the way down! That’s a true diamond hand!
by Nimbus_2021 May 1, 2021
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A little bitch that paper hands easily or mistakenly hits a sell button because of the thickness of the gorilla finger
What’s a sell button? Don’t be a bitch and paper hand that easy! Diamond hands all the way. This is the way.
by Nimbus_2021 April 30, 2021
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Citadel is whack! All they do is manipulate the stocks! Specially AMC & GME
by Nimbus_2021 April 30, 2021
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