4 definitions by Nikki Fritz
When, while trying to make a hasty exit so you can perform the "Walk of Shame", you are inadvertently shanghai'd into eating an early morning meal.This is usually in the presence of parents or disapproving flatmates.
Samantha: "Where were you this morning? You disappeared with that cute guy from the bar and I've been txting you all night. Oh, by the way, i got some bagels with cream cheese and hash browns."
Nikki: "No thanks.I had the breakfast of shame with that guy's parents this morning.His mother wouldn't let me leave until i had a second bowl of Wheaties."
Samantha: "Oh dear God."
Nikki: "No thanks.I had the breakfast of shame with that guy's parents this morning.His mother wouldn't let me leave until i had a second bowl of Wheaties."
Samantha: "Oh dear God."
by Nikki Fritz August 19, 2009
When one or more intoxicated individuals either physically or verbally spars, and the next day they agree to forget about it since they were drunk.
Nikki: "I bet Joe was mad about me yelling and hanging up on him last night when i was wasted."
Kristin: "He was blitzed too.He said forget about it - it's beer under the bridge."
Kristin: "He was blitzed too.He said forget about it - it's beer under the bridge."
by Nikki Fritz August 1, 2009
by Nikki Fritz March 2, 2008
by Nikki Fritz June 15, 2009