793 definitions by Nick

A loud, annoying, usually female yoghurt weaver. Characterised by ethnic clothes, weird diet and ill behaved children. May also smell funny and drink organic banana beer at the Gregson
Oh man, I was having a good time talking to (insert woman's name) when her bitch weaver diva mate turned up and I had to run away.
by Nick October 5, 2005
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word that describes a gay guy
phaggots are disguisting
by Nick March 4, 2005
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1. A fruit farmer

2. Someone who picks the "cherries" of young girls i.e. frees them from their virginity

1. This year's crops were bad, so the cherry picker applied for a farming subsidy.

2. Billy-bob was the town cherry picker. No girl was safe. He thought he was entitled to a farming subsidy too.
by Nick October 18, 2003
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Slang for ecstasy
Damon Hill = Pill
After Damon Hill. ex British F1 driver and all round top fella
"Dave. Can you get me another Damon Hill, the last one blew my head off"
by Nick September 13, 2005
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A combinatoin of the words "yo homey"
Yomey whats goin on in the hizouse
by Nick October 29, 2003
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1. a way of making fun of someone in a joking manner.

2. used as a name
barbozo, how you gonna forget my stash
by Nick January 14, 2004
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