5 definitions by NenjiMax

A racist term for a jew originated by the polish
A polish person is a SKI but a jew is just a KI.
by NenjiMax June 19, 2005
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A utensil used for stabbing purposes. I.E. Stabbing a goat; Stabbing a murder victim.
My mother was beat down and murdered with a stabbing utensil.
by NenjiMax June 19, 2005
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Someone who is so fat that they no longer have any ankles.
by NenjiMax June 20, 2005
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One who is extremely talented in the art of being a complete, scum covered whore.
Damn... When did Sally become such a slutt bucket?
by NenjiMax June 20, 2005
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A bony chick who would snap if u fucked her
You don't want a girl who's too blubbery... But you don't wanna bone a SKELETOR!

~Craig Beil
by NenjiMax June 20, 2005
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