8 definitions by NecroSen
New acronym for the internet meaning "Shut Up and Move On." Too often, arguments on internet forums turn into constant shoutfests with no beginning and no end. These arguments will never solve anything. Knowing this, the only way to end the argument is to just give it up entirely and move on to more pressing matters.
So, just tell the person on the other side of the argument to SUMO: Shut Up and Move On.
Just, please don't use it as an insult.
So, just tell the person on the other side of the argument to SUMO: Shut Up and Move On.
Just, please don't use it as an insult.
Let's just get this over with so we can get back to being reasonable people. Arguing constantly won't help anything anymore. SUMO.
by NecroSen June 29, 2005
by NecroSen July 6, 2009
Command in IRC that shows the author's name followed by any text after the command. Typically used to describe an action performed by the author in the third person. When read in an online forum, it is usually meant to be humorous.
In IRC, if my name is NeSe:
/me kicks you in the balls!
* NeSe kicks you in the balls!
You are then supposed to imagine that I actually did kick you in the balls.
/me kicks you in the balls!
* NeSe kicks you in the balls!
You are then supposed to imagine that I actually did kick you in the balls.
by NecroSen March 11, 2005
1. An Xbox360 as seen through the eyes of one who dislikes it.
2. An Xbox360 that has suffered the red rings of death.
3. A PC wannabe that fits comfortably in your living room.
4. How one with braces says "360".
2. An Xbox360 that has suffered the red rings of death.
3. A PC wannabe that fits comfortably in your living room.
4. How one with braces says "360".
by NecroSen January 27, 2008
Short for the affliction Video Game Aggression, or VGA, discovered by L. Rowell Huesmann of the University of Michigan in conjunction with the US Center for Disease Control. The disease is characterized with an unhealthy obsession for shader pixels, scantily-clad warrior women, and Hot Pockets. Sufferers will, according to Dr. Huesmann, become overly aggressive and proceed to kill every living being at their home or school as a result of playing too much GTA.
Symptoms may include sweaty palms; malnourishment due to lack of sleep; obesity, usually coupled with orange fingers; pale skin due to lack of sun; short temper at all things noobish; incessant teabagging; replacement of normal words with nonsensical acronyms, which are then pronounced as though they were words (i.e. "lawl" or "pwn"); and virginity.
Any person under the age of 18 is at risk for "The Veegs", regardless of any history of aggression, genetic or mental defect, or family or social problems, according to Dr. Huesmann and the CDC. There is no cure for VGA: parents are advised to smother their children and shield them from all forms of violent media in order to avoid the disease. Failure to comply will result in your sweet angel being turned into a vicious maneater before your very eyes. But don't worry: it will all be the fault of the video game industry, not you.
Remember: if you play a game, you're playing every gamer that game has played before. Use a gaming condom every time. As the saying goes: "Don't be a louse: wrap your mouse".
Also known as "Veeguh", the phonetic pronunciation of the acronym, as well as: The Stick; Mousey; Covanentitis; Plumber's Itch or Pipes; Linkus; Guitar Herosis; "A Case of the Kratos"; Apendi-Sammus; and "Getting an Italian Job".
Symptoms may include sweaty palms; malnourishment due to lack of sleep; obesity, usually coupled with orange fingers; pale skin due to lack of sun; short temper at all things noobish; incessant teabagging; replacement of normal words with nonsensical acronyms, which are then pronounced as though they were words (i.e. "lawl" or "pwn"); and virginity.
Any person under the age of 18 is at risk for "The Veegs", regardless of any history of aggression, genetic or mental defect, or family or social problems, according to Dr. Huesmann and the CDC. There is no cure for VGA: parents are advised to smother their children and shield them from all forms of violent media in order to avoid the disease. Failure to comply will result in your sweet angel being turned into a vicious maneater before your very eyes. But don't worry: it will all be the fault of the video game industry, not you.
Remember: if you play a game, you're playing every gamer that game has played before. Use a gaming condom every time. As the saying goes: "Don't be a louse: wrap your mouse".
Also known as "Veeguh", the phonetic pronunciation of the acronym, as well as: The Stick; Mousey; Covanentitis; Plumber's Itch or Pipes; Linkus; Guitar Herosis; "A Case of the Kratos"; Apendi-Sammus; and "Getting an Italian Job".
Kid 1: "I just picked up Manhunt 2 the other day."
Kid 2: "Really? How is it?"
Kid 1: "I want to kill you know and feast on your entrails."
Kid 2: "Really? How is it?"
Kid 1: "I want to kill you know and feast on your entrails."
by NecroSen November 30, 2007
by NecroSen September 3, 2005