10 definitions by Nards_otc

Contraction of Harass and Hassel

When one is continually annoyed or provoked by a non-corporeal entity or condition of their own devise; else by any being of lesser significance to themselves.

To have stress forced upon yourself by an annoying little git
Don't you dare harassel me.

Sorry for being out of sorts, but I was being harasseled all day
by Nards_otc August 18, 2007
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To decorate with a mural

To decorate any surface with large, gaudy figures (surreal, unreal or real), without leaving room to imagine the original surface, decorative and pleasing to the eye. Not Beautality.
They wall is way bland, let's muralate it.

That is not graffiti, the wall has been muralated
by Nards_otc August 18, 2007
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The rule which states...

90% of the time a person is no more than 10km from their home and 100m from their car.
Where were you, you like, brojt the 90 10 100 rule.
by Nards_otc October 9, 2007
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