2 definitions by NapalmNick

A douche of epic proportions. One who strives to be the ultimate douche but ultimately is overshadowed by newer, bigger, and bolder douches who torpedo their ambitions. End result is a has-been douche whose only claim to fame are the lives he/she has ruined in the past.
Matthew is depressed because after all of his machinations, he realized that he wasn't even able to be a successful douche. He's set sail on the final voyage of the RMS Douchatania.

John is such a tool, just when you think he couldn't get any lower, he sunk to the bottom just like the Douchatania he is.
by NapalmNick August 29, 2013
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Utilizing a ring donut (either glazed or pink) as a oral sex simulator by inserting one's tongue into the donuthole and getting progressively further and further into the donut until the glaze is transferred to the eaters face.
My date stood me up Saturday night, but I went to the Krispy Kreme and hooked up with the salesgirl after she saw my tremendous donulingus skills.
by NapalmNick July 2, 2013
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