2 definitions by MyloveFarhanAktar


Shreshtha is a Hindu name. Shreshtha means " the best in Sanskrit " A very funny, caring, smart, cute, loving, loyal, and trustworthy woman/girl. She enlightens everyone's day and is an amazing person overall. She dislikes monkeys and admires deers. She thinks quantum entanglement is a trap set put by god to confuse mankind. She is very irritated by ... ...
Shreshtha is always right

If Shreshtha is wrong refer to first sentence

Thanking someone for birthday wishes is basic manners quote by Shreshtha
by MyloveFarhanAktar July 15, 2021
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saiya superstar

Saiya Superstar is a very good but stubborn man, who does not take take friendship applications. He is rude does not reply to text or birthday wishes. Does not wish you holi, diwali or birthdays.His ego is bigger than his heart. He is does not back out or move forward, he gets stuck and does not ask for help. He does not invite for coffee, ice cream or dinner. He is not dropping the energy and is creating confusion and making it hard to breath ! bus bhi karo it’s been a year yaar! sigh ! He and I have created a gridlock and he needs to find a way out so we can everyone can find peace and love.
Saiya superstar needs to admit that it’s a real connection.

Saiya superstar needs to make a move on earth or move to Mars.

A cute and handsome monkey should be named after my saiya superstar
by MyloveFarhanAktar August 11, 2021
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