5 definitions by My little retarded ponyyyy

A slang that no one realises is really old//

L augh

O ut

L oud

A.K.A, a slang that dumb mums use for ‘ lots of love’ .
Sasha S- Omg, I just realized my initials are the same as Spongebob’s... LOL
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Someone who’s a bully that no one likes.
Shona- OMG, why does Bruce have to be so fucking lumpatious FFS!

Renee- Yeah, exactly! No wonder why no one likes that lumpatious git.

Retarded donkey- I like him!
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Someone/something which is either strange or unpleasant to look at.
Heather- Omg, did you see Sarah’s new dress?

Isobel- Yeah... it’s pretty ugly.

Sheena- I think it’s quite cute!


Sheena- I have my own opinions.
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