14 definitions by My grandma just ate some prune

When you and your significant other go into a room and take off all of your clothes but you don’t do anything. You just stare at each others naked bodies, you don’t even make out.
So I was Star Gazing with Lisa, it was intense.
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To have sex with someone, usually use this term when you are asking someone to fuck in front of your parents, your friends or in front of children
Yo, you wanna goBowling” tonight, I am really good at it.
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A skin disease that an individual will get on there neck, It is not contagious, but it is incurable. This skin disease will not hurt the host in any way, shape or form. Most doctors will not know about this skin disease because only a select seven will get this disease.
This Logan Johnson on my neck makes it awkward to receive hickeys.
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A condom that has been coated with chilli powder. This is used mostly for pranks and party favors.
I gave my bro a Utah Chilli Pepper and told him to be smart.
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That one really hot chick that you have the pleasure to fuck, the only problems is it is impossible to get her wet, unless you are the one and only Chuck Norris.

It don’t matter what you do, how hard you hit that G-spot, she ain’t gonna squirt for you. She may look better than Megan Fox, but she is more difficult to make squirt than beating all the Dark Souls games in a week.

You can make her squirt with out being Chuck Norris but it will take 48 hours of pure fucking, so good luck. The easiest way to make her wet is if you piss in her pussy as you fuck her.
The Feminine Version of Chuck Norris has nerves of steel, I don’t know how I came 679 times before I got her a little wet.
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When you are getting abused by someone and you’ve just had enough so you fuck them harder than they had ever hit, kicked, punched, or slapped you before.
I was redassing that bitch ass bartender last night
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