2 definitions by MunchMan123

The act of harmfully slide tackling or two footing an individual that is on the opposing side of a football match or any other sport that involves CONTACT! After this act you may receive a formal or aggressive warning from the person monitoring the game which could then result in a fine or a sending off.
Player: He's being a cocky fucker, go on muller 'em!

Player2: The other day I was absolutely mullered!
by MunchMan123 April 21, 2020
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To pursue the act of flicking the ball up over an opponent in a real life game of football in a poorly made 'game' version going by the name of 'FIFA' which was rumoured to have been created by a group of delusional individuals. You can only complete this act if you are a top class skiller and you really want the side-lines attention.
Person: Oh get strummed!

Person: Wow that was a great strum!
by MunchMan123 April 21, 2020
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