2 definitions by Ms Errorfied

This is a word for the poetry that emo kiddies write. It's not real poetry, they just think it is. Hence, the introduction of fauxetry.
"Not another piece of fauxetry for your livejournal!"
by Ms Errorfied July 24, 2005
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A celebration of some sort, that is not large enough to be a party, but too big to be a gathering. The definition is quite loose though, and if you do use it, it is more than likely that you will just spend hours arguing weather or not the celebration actually is a partathering or not.
"This is a great partathering."

"No! This is a party, not a partathering!"

"Yes, this is too big to be a gathering, it must be a partathering."

"Wooo! Partathering at Sam's house!"
by Ms Errorfied June 23, 2005
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