8 definitions by Mr Funny

When a company takes a new Internet meme and pays a lot of money to try and make it to go viral & taking it away from the fans, thus killing the coolness.
Really, WWE? A bunch of cheerleaders just happen to know Fandango's theme song and actually care enough about to perform it? Fandangoing is faker than your pretend sport now.
by Mr Funny April 16, 2013
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Short for "Woo Woo Woo, You Know It!", the catchphrase of WWE superstar Zack Ryder.
Non-Broski: I see people write it "Zach Ryder", isn't it "Zack" with a K?
by Mr Funny December 6, 2013
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A variant of owned, used when you've OMGSWERVE'd someone and made them look the fool.

Used like "owned", because we'd all like to be owned by Ripa while she spanked us with a paddle, while dressed like a schoolgirl, and made us lick her legs like a sexy lollipop.
"Hey WT, I appreciate you showing pics of your wang and new Prince Albert.","O RLY?","No, you just got KELLY RIPA'D!!!!"
by Mr Funny October 7, 2006
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You say your name is Finlay and you love to fight? Well I say you name is Finlay and you're a BATH TURD!
by Mr Funny April 4, 2008
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1. The Franchise Player of TNA's Paparazzi Productions
2. The highest-drawing WWF/E Champion ever.
3. The act of driving a golf ball 572 yards.
4. Proof that SIZE MATTERS.
Kevin Nash: Happy Slamiversary, Sabin! I got you on my miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!
by Mr Funny August 16, 2006
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1. A person who, for reasons of emotional, psychological or intellectual deficits, can't distinguish between skepticism of rape culture and supporting rape

2. The vast majority of feminists
Feminist X is a rapetard, he called MRA Y a rape supporter because she said rape culture was bullshit
by Mr Funny May 30, 2013
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