4 definitions by Mousico

Dully Tele

1) The Daily Telegraph, a London based conservative newspaper often enlisted in boring and dull propaganda for the UK Conservative Party.

2) One who writes such propaganda; more generally those who follow such lines, whether readers or not, bloggers and posters of such mind and expression.

3) (More generally) tedious, tendentious, dull in a dispirited and dispiriting way.
The Daily Telegraph when acting in propagandist mode, and its writers, readers, bloggers and posters in like actions.

"Think I've been dully teled."

"Doom, doom, and thrice Dully Tele. . . "

"You Dully Teles" get on everyone's . . . nerves . . "

"Dully Tele or {Dilly Tele, that is the question . . "
by Mousico February 24, 2009
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"most excellent of its kind"

outstanding, the best, or equal best

"Dilly Tele" means the London Newspaper Daily Telegraph when acting as its best, objective and generally conservative, with a broad range of views.

Almost anything, however can be dilly:

a pet dog, a day at the races, a girlfriend.
by Mousico February 24, 2009
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A plaintive cry, usually on twitter: so a cross between tweet and weep.
"tweep," occasionally "tweep!" usually used alone.

"tweep!" is preferred when wanting to express angst and etc further, awaiting kind inquiries.
by Mousico August 29, 2009
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To quietly astound by sparkling, incisive wit. Sometimes ironic.
He was quietzappling here the other day . . . He does rather quietzapple . . . and it is rather tiring.
by Mousico January 26, 2009
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