26 definitions by Mouse

american idol

A stupid tv show that gets rep just because peeps wanna see Simon Cowell be mean to the people that are trying to become an American Idol. The people just try out for because they work in barber shop and have sucky lives. Well poor you i guess you shoulda went to colege. And a niger called Randey one of the juges acts like a complete idiot when he trys to be cool when he says "Dog". Man can you say anything else. Will it ever stop American thats my concern. But i hope it will. Paula sometimes kiss's Simon and its so gay she trys to act all cool when she does it.
"it sucks llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
by Mouse April 13, 2005
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"Ouah! Ouah!" barked to poodle, who was French.
by Mouse April 10, 2004
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LAN party

the phrase "lan" is derived from the abbreviation Local access network, pronounced phonetically.

Having hosted a few myself, I know there usually isnt gay orgy/porn transfer involved...

"lan party" as defined by thinkgeek.com:
A New Social Ritual Amongst The Elite

If you've never been to a LAN Party, you haven't lived properly (or you suck at gaming). If you suck at gaming, dont despair, you can still go to a LAN party, jack in, and just sniff packets and write code and still have some fun. Or you can be the sysadmin and setup the networking or you can just handle the food and beverages (get me my Bawls!)

Ah, sweet LAN parties...The stimulating scent of caffeine, the verbal jousting, the smell of pepperoni lingering in the air, the floor a tangled infestation of cat5, the neon lights of case mods poking through the scene like lasers in fog. Nothing quite like it. And when the gaming starts, everybody becomes so intense. One frag leads to the next, emotions wax and wane as gibs amass and levels change, here an unnamed player, there an elite commando with uncanny aim. Over time, the LAN party itself, a single organism, breathing, hunting....

Or something like that.
Gamer 1: Hey man are you going to Sean's for that new-year's LAN party?
Gamer 2: Nah, I'm too much of a rookie, you guys would own the hell out of me :(
by Mouse November 2, 2004
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Wikkie Hippan

A word originally coined by the poster known as "Spamcan" at the now defunct AGB forums (www.advancegb.com) when angry at another member's "new age" ideology. It is normally said in a derogatory fashion of some sort, although it has been used in a more affectionate manner.

1.One who engages or believes in earth based spirituality or pacifistic drug based philosophies as part of a larger social counterculture with a basis relating to religion, health or politics often leading to socially unacceptable and potentially dangerous practices.

2.One who exploits a person meeting the requirements of definition #1 for personal gain or financial profit.
The wikkie hippan genus includes (but is not limited to): druggies, hippies, vegans, wikkans, ultra-liberals, communists, and Canadians.

1.(Definition 1) "If I have to hear another tree-hugging veggie-fuck wikkie hippan tell me how poor my lifestyle is, I'm gonna go postal!"

2. (Definition 1)
Person 1: "So I passed another <anti-war/pro-choice/animal-rights/pro-marijuana> rally on my way to work today."
Person 2: "Yeah, those god-damned wikkie hippans are at it again."

3.(Definition 2) "I can't believe McDonalds created an Atkins menu. Those freaking wikkie hippans!"
by Mouse March 28, 2005
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1-To release your bowels on someone or something.
2-To throw or smear feces on something or someone.
Gluepot likes to senark his grandmother.
by Mouse April 12, 2004
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Like that guy said, it's an upside down exclamation mark. And the only reason he only has to press alt + 1 is because he has a <Mac> keyboard. I'd know because I used to have one. Now think to yourself. Is it REALLY worth owning a Mac, in order to save pressing a few extra keys? As one person who's name I seldom remember, a Mac is like a car which is only compatitable with like, 5% of roads. It' s nothing worth bragging about, pal. I'd rather have an 'anal' keyboard.
by Mouse March 31, 2004
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