703 definitions by Monkey's Dad

The care received by Donald Trump at Walter Reed hospital, for his infection with COVID-19, which he had declared a hoax, following years of sneering at socialized medicine.
We will never let socialized medicine destroy American health care” said Trump.
by Monkey's Dad October 7, 2020
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A man who tries to overcome his sorrow and grief with an unending string of women.
Everyone judged him for the number of women who came into and out of his life. It felt to be the only way he could banish his unremitting woe, from losses and pain he could never share. He was a woemanizer, and he alone understood why.
by Monkey's Dad October 3, 2021
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The involuntary cringe when you realize you found the exact words for what should have gone unspoken. Often accompanied by a palm to the forehead.
Here it came again, the eloqwince in the night, remembering his superbly witty toast to the happy couple. Had he really made that joke about his history with the bride? How much would a one-way ticket on the space shuttle cost, he wondered.
by Monkey's Dad March 10, 2020
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An incursion into America's infrastructure, with malign intent, ignored and tacitly condoned by Trump in his final days of office.
Termed a "grave security risk" by intelligence officials, the Russian hacking of government networks elicited not a single word from Trump - the same number of words he used to express his profound concern that more than 3,000 Americans a day were dying of Covid.
by Monkey's Dad December 18, 2020
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A form of knowledge occurring independently of temporal position; a simultemporal incident of cognition, on par with recognition and precognition. It is an experience reported by many people as feeling instantaneous.
She knew him the instant she saw him. The flash of connection was identical to the sensation of encountering someone she had known for years, complete in its essence, lacking only detail. It was not without substance or meaning, carrying its own truth. She came to think of it as simcognition, knowledge upon first sight.
by Monkey's Dad April 11, 2021
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The nature of time as being simultaneous rather than sequential or linear. The experience of living time all at once, of past and future being equally present and equidistant.
The simultemporal experience was transformative, providing clarification of issues as diverse as the questions of free will and destiny, and the nature of death.
by Monkey's Dad September 18, 2019
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A common state of being in which a person's life is directed toward and extracted from their cellphone, to the exclusion of actual experience.
She's so cellphcentered she can't take a shower without the freakin' thing in her hand. From the shower, tripping down the stairs, getting honked at while crossing the street, eyes on her phone, she's like, having dinner with tonight's guy she met through her cellphone, covertly staring at the same cellphone in her lap as she swipes right on the next three guys and sends breakup texts to the last three. Ask her the color of tonight's date's eyes, I dare you.
by Monkey's Dad October 22, 2019
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