12 definitions by Mnkyonyrbk

smashed apples

A term to describe a really ugly person.
"That girl had a face like a bag of smashed apples."
by Mnkyonyrbk August 5, 2005
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A term for a guy who goes to clubs or strip clubs and takes girls home.
"That guy Steve is a slayer."
by Mnkyonyrbk August 5, 2005
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papa smurf

"Yeah, whatever Papa Smurf...your dick looks like it was in a fire."
by Mnkyonyrbk August 5, 2005
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no no bar

A term used as a code word for a strip club.
"Hey, did you guys go to the no no bar last night."
by Mnkyonyrbk August 5, 2005
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A term for a guy who likes to spoon with girls instead of have sex with them.
Insulter: "You didn't fuck her" "whatever spoonman"
by Mnkyonyrbk August 5, 2005
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A term to describe a an erect penis that is ready to use. Similar to tube steak.
"What do you want to eat?"
"How about a tube steak smothered in underwear."
by Mnkyonyrbk August 5, 2005
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happiest place on earth

A term to used to replace strip club or no no bar to decieve one's wife or girlfriend.
"I will meet you at the happiest place on earth at 10 PM."
by Mnkyonyrbk August 5, 2005
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