7 definitions by Miss Agreeable


Futz you!
by Miss Agreeable May 23, 2004
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Pot Noodle

Dehydrated noodles & vegetables, textured soya protein and preservatives. In a pot.
Pot Noodles - the staple diet of all students.
by Miss Agreeable May 27, 2004
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Vrb phrs. To beat up severely.
The next time I see Tom, I'm going to kick the fucking stuffing out of him!
by Miss Agreeable May 26, 2004
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cast a kitten

(idiom) to have a fit.

Used in both humorous and serious situations.

Also, "have kittens".
Stop tickling me or I'll cast a kitten!
by Miss Agreeable May 23, 2004
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have kittens

(idiom) to have a fit.

Used in both humorous and serious situations.

Also, cast a kitten.
Stop tickling me or I'll have kittens!
by Miss Agreeable May 26, 2004
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The Cat's Whiskers

adj. used to describe something that is 'great'.

Variations include the cat's pajamas, the cat's meow & the bee's knees.
by Miss Agreeable May 26, 2004
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