2 definitions by Mewrhedd

A condition which finds a person equally unattractive on the outside and inside alike. Afflicted with a personality that no one is willing to endure, because the prospect of eventual sex holds no appeal.
"I tried being nice to Bertha, but she loudly insulted my haircut. That girl's just plain Ugnoxious."
by Mewrhedd January 19, 2010
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A revolting, worm-like gnome with tiny ears and a micropenis that he waggles at frightened young maidens while he cackles a screeching laugh (Origin: Hungarian). The modern adaptation of the word has come to represent particularly salacious and repugnant men under five-foot-ten.
"I was having fun at the party until I got cornered by that Eoher. He smelled terrible and was drooling over me like a piece of meat."
by Mewrhedd October 25, 2011
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