5 definitions by Metroid > Zelda

An incredibly strong block dude from Minecraft who isn’t human, and also one of the best characters in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
Hi, Steve, how do you have 30000 pounds of iron in your pockets?
by Metroid > Zelda July 3, 2023
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A sexy female who uses bird magic to kill evil space aliens.
by Metroid > Zelda June 26, 2023
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Mid. Metroid is a better exploration game because cool female protagonist using bird technology to shoot evil space aliens is better than some generic dude using a sword to hit weird things.
Metroid is better than Legend of Zelda. it
by Metroid > Zelda May 30, 2023
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A f*cking awesome ass game that everyone should play
P1: Yo let’s play the best game ever!
P2: Mario Kart?
P1: f*ck. yea
by Metroid > Zelda May 30, 2023
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