4 definitions by Melong

When your roommate says he's going out of town, then shows up later that night without notice and you're in the living room having sex with your girlfriend.
Martin: "Right time, but dude, wrong place". Self: "No, you failed at not being gone for the night. Right time, right place. :)" - Pulling a Martin
by Melong January 18, 2018
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When you glue all the toilet seats in a washroom, and when somebody sits down, you flush a cherry bomb forcing the crap right up against them in a shitty blast.

Of course if the glue has fused at all with their skin, they are stuck wallowing in it.
"Johnny walked in on some dude that got Chocolate enema'd. He was sitting there stuck, full of shit, and soaking wet."
by Melong April 29, 2009
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A microwave warmed baby wipe, used to clean your balls after a rough cottage weekend.

Also can be made by leaving said baby wipe on your trucks vent and using after a 36 hour plowing shift, so your honeybunch, "might" give you some when you get home.
I used Kellaway Kock Kleaner on my balls this morning. She was really on me to get home, so I think I'm getting some.
by Melong January 22, 2019
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Oh my god... what is that on the side of ada's face? Oh it's dicksneeze.
by Melong November 26, 2007
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