13 definitions by McKenna from the Hall

A Jejer is someone who resides at a <JEJ> a hideout in a Mews in a quiet neighbourhood. Hiding out from a permissive youth - but in the end are always left so alone... B. Dylan.
"I'd like to see her at that <JEJ> but in the end a Jejer is a Jejer and we will possibly just argue about all the Jejers in her past."
by McKenna from the Hall February 26, 2021
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NewYark is a place where everyone famous goes. But there are a hundred other cities I would rather go to first, than New Yark. No problemo - say what ever you want about them - NewYarkers are too busy being famous to read sites with word things.
NewYarkers are very proud of his achievements - he is the king of those word things
by McKenna from the Hall April 13, 2020
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A Bejer - same as a Jejer but they don't hide away in a quiet Mews after living off the permissive society in their youth - they cash in Bigtime and head straight to Byron Bay.
1st person :
I've never seen so many single Bejer's than last time I visited Byron. Especially that Kings Cross one.
2nd Dude: Yeah that Bejer certainly was no Jejer ¡¿!?
by McKenna from the Hall February 27, 2021
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Nuffballer - spends all their time in the bedroom practicing to be a pervert.
I can't help being a nuffballer as I'm a bedroom squirter.
by McKenna from the Hall April 12, 2020
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Spotnicks - people who subscribe to MyTaste on Spotify and then get the same song - or that's how it sounds - by different artists.
Some Guy: He got a subscription and they send him new songs every month, but they all sound the same. Some other guy: Genre bait to sell subs, he's become a bit of a spotnick, eh?
by McKenna from the Hall April 13, 2020
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Holy Grail

Experience will tell you a small box is best. Some call it tight pussy but small box is what it is. Lot of people say Asian women have it - possibly, but and I mean a big butt here, white women can have one too 蓮花 and it's the holy grail.
Me: What are you searching for Dude?

Alter ego: The Holy grail.
by McKenna from the Hall April 14, 2020
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Word things - challenges set up by teachers and Swots and flash songwriters called wordsmiths to baffle us normal guys.
Me: Hey Donald Trump is using those word things again. Alter ego: You kiddin' Paul Kelly's writin' a song about Corona.
by McKenna from the Hall April 13, 2020
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