5 definitions by MasterDJRE

person 1: "Dude why the fuck would you say that?"
person 2: *posts image of a trollface with "el problemo?" under it*
by MasterDJRE February 28, 2021
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That shit that always gets autocorrected to an I
*texting someone*
Me: u wanna go?
Me: I wanna go?
by MasterDJRE December 8, 2021
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the most fun word to type
person 1: M-I-N-I-M-U-M
person 2: why are you typing minimum
person: because it is the most fun word to type
by MasterDJRE March 10, 2022
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a way of safely telling someone you love gay sex and have one or more std’s
dude1: nah he tweaking

dude2: damn bro you’re hella gay
by MasterDJRE August 26, 2021
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the thing vampires say in place for "want"
Vampire: I vant to suck your blood!
Person: that's now how you say want dipshit
by MasterDJRE March 10, 2022
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